The most important decision you can make as a Pure Water Window Cleaner is to ensure that you have the right pole. This will be the equipment that you use every day.
Do not be fooled by the appearance that all poles perform the same job. Choosing the right pole will help you work more efficiently and deliver a better product, such as spotless windows.
Let’s get to the point. The primary differences among all poles can be reduced to differences in material, clamping system and size. These are just a few of the differences.
Pole Materials
Aluminium poles are strong and durable, yet they are heavier than other options. They are perfect for occasional or domestic use. They are best kept below 25ft or 30ft as they can become difficult to control at higher heights. These poles are great for starting because they cost less than other options.
Glass Fibre
Glass fibre poles are lightweight and affordable yet can be extended fully to their full potential. These poles can only be used up to 20 feet, beyond which their flexibility is limited. These poles are great for anyone looking for an affordable pole that doesn’t have the same weight as Aluminium poles.
Hybrid or carbon composite
Hybrid poles combine a variety of materials with approximately 50% carbon fibre. These poles offer many of the same benefits as a full carbon fiber pole but at a fraction of the cost. Although hybrid poles are stronger than glass fiber, they are not as strong or rigid as carbon fibre ones.
They are generally heavier than carbon fibre, but lighter than glass fibre. They are priced between them. Our best-selling ‘everyday’ pole is the hybrid. They are ideal for cleaning domestic properties. They can be used up to 30ft. Above that, they can be a little more flexible.
Hybrid poles are a great choice for Window Cleaning business owners, especially when they strike the right balance between cost and benefit.
Carbon Fibre
Carbon Fibre poles are the best. They are equally strong, stiff, and lightweight. Although the average price point for carbon fibre poles is higher than those mentioned, it will be hard to go back once you have used one. For poles up to 50ft in length, carbon fibre is recommended. This is especially true if the pole is used every day.
A lightweight, sturdy pole can reduce the strain placed on your body by cleaning high with a water fed pole. Veteran Window Cleaners recommend investing in a carbon fiber pole from the beginning.
Carbon Fibre for HiMod and Ultra HiMod Carbon Fibre
These poles are used for specialist cleaning. They are very lightweight and rigid, and they are also the most expensive. Hi-Mod and Ultra Hi-Mod water-fed poles are made of high-grade carbon fiber. The pole’s thickness is narrower, which allows it to be extremely rigid while weighing less.
These poles are great for efficiency, and they can be used at any height up to 70ft.
Pole Clamping Systems
The clamping system is what differentiates one brand from another. The clamping system will be available for almost all brands. While differences in section lengths and dimensions can be significant, they will not impact the clamping mechanism.
There are many clamp and pole types available, both in the Unger nLite (r) and FaceLift (r) brands. Our unique FaceLift(r), PHANTOM water-fed pole design is the real game-changer in this regard.
The pole clamp is made from scratch to reduce wear and tear on your pole and provide exceptional clamping power and grip.
Our current best-selling range, the FaceLift(r), PHANTOM water-fed poles, is by far our FaceLift(r), PHANTOM.
Pole Sizes
Your work will dictate the size of the pole you need. Domestic work is mostly done on the ground or the first floor. A pole that is 18-22 feet long is best, with a length of approximately 5ft when collapsed (for cleaning ground floors).
You may also have commercial work at 30-40ft. These will require more extended sections and better material. Although it’s not an exact measurement, you can calculate the height you need to reach if each floor is 10ft.
You may think it is best to get the largest pole to cover all bases. However, cleaning a 20ft property using a pole 50ft in height is extremely difficult and time-consuming. We recommend that you have a specialist pole with a high reach that covers the 5% that requires high reach equipment. Then, you could consider a daily pole to cover the 95%.