Tips Before You Listen to Your Home for Sales

Are you thinking of selling your home? These tips can help you save time and stress later before getting a residential home inspection in orlando.

It’s no secret most areas of the country are returning to a market slightly tilted to the buyer. Bidding wars and waived contingencies are mostly gone. On top of this, home buyers have difficulty obtaining affordable homeowners insurance coverage due to tight underwriting requirements. This becomes your problem when the buyer finds they can’t close due to a lack of insurance.

You can do these things before listing to make selling your house easier.

  1. Paint or seal visible water spots on ceilings, floors, and inside cabinets. No insurance company will offer a policy today if visible water stains are present, regardless of whether they are from an active leak. Water stains are not allowed!
  2. Clean windows and get rid of any termite swarmer eggs. This can be reported to the WDO.
  3. Clean the AC vents and air handler unit to get rid of any wet dirt or dust that could be called “possible mould“. Although it’s not mold, some people believe that it is.
  4. Service your HVAC system if it hasn’t been serviced in six months.
  5. Make sure to clean grout/tile and replace any missing grout/caulking around sinks/tubs. Remove any dark staining that someone might call mold.
  6. Make sure that all appliances are working properly.
  7. The mulch that is too high on the siding should be removed. Mulch that is too high can lead to termites/insect infestations and water damage.
  8. Make sure your pool is operating properly. You may need to hire a technician to ensure that your pool is clean and balanced.
  9. Clear clutter, trash, and wood piles from the foundation.
  10. To check for corrosion or leakage, inspect all plumbing valves.
  11. Remove any vegetation or limbs from your home.
  12. Aluminum branch wiring in your home should be updated by a licensed electrician who will provide a report on the letterhead.
  13. Before listing, it is a good idea to replace any fuse panels, such as Federal Pacific, Bulldog or Challenger, Zinsco and GTE Sylvania.
  14. You will need to repair your water heater if it is located within the home.
  15. You will need to replace polybutylene plumbing.
  16. Your asphalt shingle roof may be more than 15 years old, and your buyer might have trouble getting insurance. It would be best if you were prepared to replace the roof before your buyer can close. Not all insurance companies in Florida allow buyers to replace roofs after closing.
  17. All defective light bulbs, including appliances, must be replaced.
  18. Water-damaged wood in door frames, eaves and window trim can be repaired or replaced.
  19. If necessary, pressure washes the exterior and paint it. The exterior paint has likely been there for more than ten years.
  20. Repair or replace broken window/door locks.

Make sure your home is pest-free. Nothing is more damaging to deals than termite infestations or termite damages.


What I love I just write and having an interest in fashion, photography, beauty and travelling I want to share my ideas with people so that they can enjoy and get the best in what they are investing.

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