How To Choose A Self Defence Class

Empowerment self defence is more than just physical skills to resist attacks. Good classes teach awareness and assertiveness as well as how to resist attacks. These skills will help you survive, escape, resist, recover, and prevent abuse, harassment, as well as heal from it.

When choosing a class, you should look for an instructor or program that:

  • It is not the victim’s fault that someone abuses or assaults them. People do not ask for, invite, or cause assault. They don’t deserve to be attacked. While someone may have poor judgement about safety, it doesn’t make them liable for an attack. It doesn’t also mean that they are entitled to be attacked. Attackers are responsible to their attacks and the use of violence threats, intimidation, coercion or other substances to control, overpower, or abuse another person.
  • They are knowledgeable about gender-based violence and adapt their classes accordingly. A good self defence classes in reading will focus on situations that involve romantic partners and acquaintances, since these are the most common.
  • Understanding the emotional realities of LGBTQ+ and women’s lives. Being able to help each student. A good teacher will adapt physical and verbal techniques to the strengths and challenges of each student. They won’t offer a one-size fits all program.
  • Respects the individual’s decision on how to handle potentially dangerous or life-threatening situations. They can offer strategies, knowledge, and techniques to assist students in making their own decisions on how to handle certain situations. They won’t tell students what to do or not do.
  • Students are empowered not only to practice self defence, but also in the program. Students should have the freedom to choose how they participate in class and should not feel pressured to do certain exercises.
  • It uses a holistic approach to gender-based violence, including harassment and emotional abuse. The skills and strategies are also holistic.
  • This program aims to provide students with more strategies and tools, so that they can learn from success rather than fear.
  • Understanding trauma and survivors, makes self defence learning empowerment part of the healing process.
  • As a powerful tool for learning, and support, it engages the power of the whole group.
  • The teacher adapts his or her teaching to the life experiences and ages of the students and the group.
  • Gender-based violence is an expression and tool of oppression. It is connected to all forms. Harassment, abuse, and assault can be seen as expressions of structural problems, not individual ones.
  • Gender oppression is tied to all forms oppression, and students live at the intersections of these oppressions. Therefore, teachers and programs are explicitly anti-racist in the content and teaching they provide.
  • Believes that change is necessary at all levels of life, including the individual, interpersonal, work, community and societal.

Good teachers and programs can make all the difference between feeling discouraged or scared and feeling empowered to live a more authentic, richer life. It may take some digging to find the right class for you. It will be life-changing!


What I love I just write and having an interest in fashion, photography, beauty and travelling I want to share my ideas with people so that they can enjoy and get the best in what they are investing.

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